The Blog

Opinion pieces on sex, culture, books, baking, depression and more as well as the occasional review for things like queer porn or sex toys. These posts can be overwhelming, triggering, uncomfortable or disgusting for certain people so posts with potentially sensitive discussions will include warnings at the beginning. I have a special image for sexual posts which may not be suited for minors and all credit goes to a talented friend who wishes to remain anonymous.

As an unlicensed and self-styled reference librarian I will be posting research posts that offer help with finding resources on a variety of topics (most of them probably sexual.) More information about these unlicensed reference librarian posts will be coming as the first post goes up. If you have a topic you’d like help exploring send me an e-mail and I’ll help if I can-

Why Holywell (/’hōlē-wel/) Street?

Holywell Street was described by The Times as “the most vile street in the civilised world, every shop teeming with the most indecent publications and prints…”* In the Victorian debate over the place of “obscenity” in society Holywell Street symbolized the place where the general public could be exposed to and even interact with those “indecent publications and prints.” During these debates a variety of concerns were raised over freedom of expression, how we treat sexuality, what counts as obscene, personal freedom and autonomy.

This blog takes inspiration from these debates and will discuss openly and enthusiastically sexuality in all its forms.

*Quoted by Lynda Nead in Victorian Babylon, p 164. This is a great text about the seedier sides of Victorian London and it has a whole section on Holywell Street which I highly recommend.

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